Questions and answers will be posted here.

Q. What is the typical teaching load in the department?

A. Research active faculty teach a 1:1, one course in the fall semester and one course in the spring semester. This includes an upper-level (3000 or 4000) advanced undergraduate course and a specialized graduate course.

Q. Can you explain the tenure track process?

A. There are two typical tenure timelines, the normal 5 year (tenured in the 6th year) timeline and a shorter 2 year (tenured in the 3rd year) timeline. The shorter timeline is for candidates that already have multiple years on the tenure track or have been tenured at another institution. However, each candidate’s background and tenure process will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Q. How are students supported?

A. The department provides several Master’s Instructional Assistant positions for each faculty, typically the limit that the PI is most comfortable with. There are a limited number of Doctoral Instructional Assistant positions (3-4 yrs) available depending on the PI’s needs, with the expectation that the PI will provide additional support through external funding.

Q. Is there mentoring support for new Tenure-track faculty?

A. Yes, the university provides an established on-boarding program specifically for new TT faculty. The department will also assign a mentoring/tracking committee to new PIs to help them navigate the tenure process effectively and efficiently, and to also serve as a source of general guidance regarding departmental logistics and student mentoring. The goal of the department is to facilitate the achievement of tenure for new faculty.

Q. Are there internal candidates being considered for any of these positions?

A. No.

Q. What is the monthly pay for a PhD student?

A. The FY2024 rate is $3410.53 per month at 50% time. DIAs are 9 months and summer salary (DRA) is usually provided by external funding.

Q. Will late applications be accepted?

A. No, all materials need to be in by the application deadline.

Q. When will the interviews take place?

A. They will most likely start February 17th.